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Pathos: Addiction and Apathy

This novel traces the intertwining lives of seven liars to explore and expose the ways in which their duplicitous natures mature. A manipulative but remorseful woman is hunted by a dirty cop whose brother she drove to suicide, while her best friend wrestles with images of self and reluctantly addresses her reflection. These friends corrupt a womanizer who's fallen in love with a cheater, while an ex threatens the budding romance with unresolved emotions.

Meanwhile, two sisters reacquaint after the younger escapes the cult and abuse that drove her sister to homelessness and prostitution. 






The twine that binds these works is the manner in which they were created. Those years in solitude marked a shift during which the author learned to follow the truant muse from line to line. Many of these works have gone on to become novels and songs or have been adapted for stage and screen, but their eventual success was only made possible once the author learned to trust the animating and driving force.


The Impetus.




© 2019 by Jay Greene

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